Mid Solu Khola Hydropower Project is situated in Solududhkunda Municipality of Solukhumbu District, in Province no 1. The Project site is located about 270 Km towards North- East of Kathmandu. The project area lies between 27° 29′ 16″ N and 27° 31′ 14.54″ N latitude and 86°34′ 00” E and 86° 35′ 05″ E longitudes. Around 1.5 km of access road has been constructed to make the powerhouse site accessible from the nearest road.


The design discharge of the project at 40.9% exceedance flow is 10.00 m3/s. The project is conceptually designed to tap the tailwater of Upper Solu Khola Hydropower Project (USKHP) and an additional intake arrangement is made to tap the water available d/s the headwork of USKHP. The intake canal is designed to tap 10.00 m3/s discharge from the tailrace canal of USKHP. The diversion weir and the headworks have been built after considering 100 years return period flood discharge of 429.39 m3/s. The installed capacity of the MSKHP is 9.5 MW. A cascade canal is constructed to tap the water from USKHP tailrace and the intake on the left bank diverts the additional design discharge of 2m3/sec. A side intake having two orifices is designed along with a single bay gravel trap. A cascade canal having dimensions of 2.75m and 1.8m, from the tailrace of USKHPP, is connected to the collecting chamber at the end of the gravel trap. A headrace canal of 150m x 3m x 2.3m is constructed after the collecting chamber. A forebay of 30m x 7m x 7.7m is placed on the left bank of the river. The 2.1m, 2.0m, 2.05m, and 1.9m internal diameter of 3435m long headrace and 360m long penstock is drawn between the head pond and the powerhouse on the left bank of Solu Khola. A surge tank with an internal finished diameter of 10m and height of 22m is constructed at the end of the headrace pipe. Two Francis turbines each with a capacity of 4.75 MW are installed in the powerhouse. The tailrace having a length of 60m discharges water back to the Solu Khola.